my skills

choose skill

I'm using ES6 capabilities (classes, arrow functions, const/let, modules, spread operator and destructuring). I understad how closure and promises work. I use axios to make HTTP requests.
This is my favorite library. I know how to make higher order components and how context and hooks work.
I have pretty good knowledge about 3D and THREE.js.
I'm using HTML5 tags so that websites are positioning pretty well.
I can use CSS3 selectors and pseudo selectors, also know how to make simple animations.
I know most popular REST API methods (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH) and how to do HTTP requests with them.

My projects


Rubik cube

Rubik cube in THREE.js


Hanoi tower

Auto solving Hanoi Tower in THREE.js


Mini Shop

The application I made to show my skills. Used technologies: React, Redux, Firebase, Material-UI, Axios


Chef App

Simple recruit application I made for some software house. Used React, Redux, REST API


Mini Game

Mini game created in vanilla JS. Unfortunately game doesn't work yet on mobiles(only desktop).


To Do List

Made in JavaScript, using OOB. Task are saving in local storage



Created with jQuery and using local storage to save state.



Dice created with CSS3 and simple JavaScript.